What you have always wanted to know.
- What are the STRAIL® products made of? (difference to other rubber panels)
All level crossing panels belonging to the STRAIL® productfamily are made of recycling and virgin rubber, while having the smallest, permissible flange groove. A special feature is that the entire panel is fully vulcanized, according to a special production process. On the basis of this complex production process it is possible to achieve outstanding product features and a significantly longer service life.
- Switches
In consultation with our design department, special, dimensionally accurate panels are manufactured for the full-surface covering in the area of the center and end parts of switches.
- Radii
On principle, full-surface covering of radii is unproblematic. Very tight radii are covered with a specific number of special radii panels.
- Application of STRAIL®, pontiSTRAIL, innoSTRAIL, pedeSTRAIL and veloSTRAIL
Depending on road and rail load, as well as individual local conditions, a perfectly suited product can be undoubtedly found within the STRAIL® portfolio. It is generally recommended to consult the responsible STRAIL® representative, who will gladly assist you in finding the right product for your respective area of application.

we connect street and rail.
Traffic needs to flow, freely and quickly. With STRAIL® you simply are fast – for planning, building and maintenance. Our offers are typically drawn up within 48 hours. Your level crossing leaves our factory as early as two weeks after placing your order. Using a crew of 4-6 people and no additional machines, you can install a 9 m long crossing in merely three hours.
In case of track maintenance, STRAIL® can be removed and reinstalled quickly and without much effort. In addition, our experts are available virtually around the clock.
STRAIL® is profitable. From the outset.
Wherever safety is concerned, we accept no compromises. STRAIL® is different – ranging from its technically simple, yet fast and safe installation, to its ability to bear continuous loads on a daily basis without any gap formation.
The tongue and groove connection prevents – especially in case of diagonal traf-fic – the dreaded “sudden collapse” effect, well-known from other single-panel systems.
Products which are part of the STRAIL® family have the smallest, permissible flange groove. velo
STRAIL eliminates this gap entirely. STRAIL®. Safety for your level crossings and for your investments.
Building level crossings is one thing. Keeping them in excellent condition is quite another. ”Fit & Forget” is our motto; as a result: maintenance-free level crossings. Over 30,000 crossings under varying climatic conditions on five continents form the basis of our reliable technology and materials. Besides, your experiences help us to continuously perfect STRAIL®.
You benefit from the long service life of our products and with the support of the worldwide operating KRAIBURG group we have been your reliable partner for over 40 years.
STRAIL® fulfills your expectations.