IMPRESERVICE Co. has been working for many years in the world of transport infrastructures
for roads, highways and railways.
The Company brings to maturity a particular experience in tunnel lining field: Research & Development and Manufacture of new connection and alignment systems for prefabricated concrete segments represent the main focus of the Company.
IMPRESERVICE Co. has always combined the research of high quality materials with the technical requirements and feedback coming from the jobsites to make products suited to purpose that can be applied easily with reliability and safety.
The Company is relying upon Independent Qualified Technical Laboratories and Authorities for certification and authentication of materials and systems (below please find some photos).

All the products designed and manufactured by IMPRESERVICE Co. are ‘made in Italy’ : this guarantees high precision, reliability and quality following all the steps of the production process starting from the raw materials.
IMPRESERVICE Co. continuously strives for versatile solutions, a policy that has been rewarded by references from leading Contractors, both in Italy and around the world including Acciona, Astaldi, Cossi Costruzioni, FCC, Ferrovial Agroman, Ghella, Gulermak, Impregilo, Pizzarotti, Salini Costruttori, Seli, Shapir, Società Italiana per Condotte Acqua and Toto Costruzioni.
In the public sector IMPRESERVICE Co. is proud to have the confidence of ANAS, Autostrade per l’Italia and Self-Governing Provinces.